Tuesday, January 6, 2009

For the love of all that is holy, THIRD HAND SMOKE !

OK for the record I used to smoke a pack a day for 15 years. I quit 10 years ago and now have an occasional cigar with a bottle of wine. I live with a smoker. I am not a rabid anti-smoker.

Smoking is legal. I am sure it's bad for you. Alcohol is legal. I am sure it's bad for you.

When will doctors and scientists stop finding something else to protect us from and move on. Everyone knows smoking kills you. Smoke is bad, move on, nothing to see here. By products of smoking are bad for you, move on, nothing to see here. Most everything withing 10 feet of you was made from chemicals and processes that if exposed directly to would be very harmful. All of the talking heads and smart people doing the research about third hand smoke create and consume lots of things that are bad for you.

Either go live in a bubble or just accept that the world is much more harmful and dangerous because of human activity. Also accept the fact that if we hadn't developed all of these dangerous, deadly chemicals and poisons, that provide us with and extraordinary quality of life, then the talking heads would be bemoaning "Study shows lions killed and ate a record number of humans this year. Bears now only account for 10 percent of humans eaten. No cave is safe. In other news, smoke from cooking fires suspected to kill more than lions and bears combined (Oh My)." [ I just couldn't resist ]

I just want to know how "Something dangerous to the participants (the smoker) and everyone with in 20 feet of them (second hand smoke), and everyone who enters the room for the next 30 days (third hand smoke)" is still legal.

WAIT A MINUTE ! Damn to protect smoker, the second hand victims, and the third hand victims, those people should know better to smoke or be near it. What about the people who unknowingly TOUCH third hand smoke residue and transfer it to someone who has TRIED to avoid all tobacco residue.

Forth hand smoke victims have rights too !

Don't get me wrong I am in no way proposing to outlaw tobacco products like we tried with alcohol. If tobacco is so bad then get rid of it. If we don't want to get rid of it STOP WHINING about how bad it is and accept that the world is a pretty good place to be even it filled with poisons of our own making.


Why are they there ?

OK, I kind of have an idea of where things are in a grocery store but I had a real shocker a few days ago. I was looking for those reusable disposable plastic containers that Glads and Ziploc make. You know small to medium containers for leftovers and stuff. Well I started with the plastics bags and other things made by Glad and Ziploc. Next to the aluminum foil and plastic wrap.

Nope, not there. Could be near the dishes and kitchen gadgets. Nope. Hummm ...

Find helpful (or not) store employee. "Hey where are the Glad bowls ?" Aisle 10 (dishes and kitchen gadgets) or aisle 14 (trash bags and other small plastic bags etc)

OK I am a guy and have "Boy eyes". You know the ones that can't see the socks in the drawer but they appear on my wife saying "There in the drawer that you just looked in". So I truck back over to aisle 10 and 14. Nope still not there.

I check out the pet food aisle and a couple of other places they shouldn't gave been and lo and behold they ain't there either.

Now I just pissed off that the store doesn't have them or has hidden them to the point that I can't find then and I am just about ready to leave. I find one more employee to take a guess a this and she in 0.02 seconds says "Aisle 12".

OK one last shot before I leave in a huff.

I start down the aisle and I go by pasta and sauce and egg noodles and BAM there they are smack dab in the middle of the row top to bottom and next to the tuna helper and other "Dinner Starters"

Of course I had not passed though here since I got in the store. I just would have looked next to spaghetti and tuna helper.

OK somebody tell me why in the world those are marketed there ?
