Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Healthcare reform

Oh thank god we have nut jobs on both sides of this issue.

I read this and liked it. Enough chum in that water to attract all kinds of sharks, um nut jobs, uh people. I liked the very dry take on both sides of the question. You can plug in fat folks just like you can plug in pregnant women in this case.

I think this is the one factor that will save us from the 'govm't' this time around. The far left and the far right will have enough mud to sling until the congress-critters find something else to worry about. Hillary care suffered the same fate. They did it more on the down low last time but it blew up when it started to see the light of day. Just like now thank heaven.

Has anyone noticed the press around how expensive it is to care for fat people ( BTW I'm one of those fat people ) And the idea that we should charge over weight people more for heath insurance is not stated but what convenient timing. No stop, we will give *discounts* to skinny people, that's the way I am supposed to say that. The bottom line is YES YOU SHOULD ! Insurance is losers, healthy people, pay winners, sick people. Any actuary worth his salt will tell you to charge higher premiums to people with higher risk. Can you say "Car insurance for a 16 year old male ?" I knew you could.

The good news is there are more fat people then people with very strong opinions about abortion. I just hope they are paying attention.

If all of the obese people can't get this healthcare thing killed I know one group that might need to take a swing at it. The Department of Agriculture. When the big food industry realises what the tax structure for sugar and fat based products is going to be we will be able to put this issue to bed.

Just a parting thought. We need health care reform. We need a true market for the consumer to buy health care. Ever try to get a price for a lab test. Ever try to get a straight answer to "How much is an office visit ?" In the richest country in the world we should be able to care for all and find a way to pay for it. In many cases we already are. One way or the other.

The government is not the answer.


  1. RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD??? PUH-LEEZE! How can we be rich if we owe trillions to other nations and private banks and the Fed reserve? A rich country would be one that does provide quality education and high living standards even for the less-productive of its citizens, dignity in death, and healthcare and roads, and let people make their own decisions about their bodies (abortion etc) and still have roads and bridges and power and water and infrastructure, AND hasn't locked up 10 million of its citizens since prisons went privatized for profit. Denmark, maybe? Netherlands? Canada? England, Australia, take your pick. (Take a good look at the Canadian version of govt housing projects, they are pretty damn nice!). All of these countries do go picking wars to preserve a hold on petroleum products that cause much of the ill health for the people AND the planet and then stay there forever, blowing up stuff and then paying to fix it and pissing the nutjobs off in the process. As far as the fat people policy goes, well maybe we should just go to a meritocracy instead, and if you are able contribute to society in a positive way you get to live and and the rest are used as fodder or killed off in a much more efficient way than we have done with our "brown peoples policies" which is taking forever to kill or run them off.

  2. meant to say "these countries do NOT go picking wars..."
