Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just what did we expect ?

"TARP Watchdog: Treasury Overpaid For TARP Investments"

Just what did everyone expect. No one would buy these turds of investments from the banks so the value was about ZERO. If anyone else would have bought these assets at any price then why did the government buy them in the first place. The banks could not afford to sell them at what they were worth to anyone else so Uncle Sam bailed them out and purchased them at closer to what the banks needed to sell them at.

One thing we do know about this whole mess is that no one in marketing was consulted in naming the TARP package. What an awful name for a cover up.

1 comment:

  1. how true how true...they're form the govmint and they're here to help...TARP? bwahahahaha! - signed someone who has not been able to watch the news since Obama (affectionately knownn in some circles as "Obungler") got inaugrated (crowned?) as president. I knew that toxic stuff in the carpet in the Oval Office would Change him a bit.
